Peoples Museum is a radical departure from the traditional museum, "a museum of, by and for people". Peoples Museum basically entails hacking, decentralizing and democratizing the idea of a museum. At its core lies the crowd sourcing of exhibit production, and the outsourcing of cultural space. How? The exhibits are on publicly accessible private property under the aegis of an overriding, online museum concept. The homeowners, renters, condo associations, commercial property owners, or public space managers will be the artists, exhibit producers and/or will donate the exhibition space. There are also significant federal and state tax advantages property owners and exhibit producers can take advantage of that will help grow the Museum. Exhibits are not limited to art and can include historical exhibits, private collections, performances/performance art, and other themes. The format is intentionally free form and encourages diversity, freedom, openness and scalability. For example, exhibit producers can seek donations, sell art or manage their exhibits how they see fit. Website registry The overarching connection between the exhibits will be an online registry, with searchability across multiple categories including fields of study, themes, and location. Smartphone technology will be utilized along with the website to encourage interactivity, connectivity and scalability. |
We're seeking web designers to volunteer with the creation of the website, and we'll be fundraising for it as well. Peoples Museum will be popular with young adults and other groups who prefer forms of engagement that aren't found in the traditional museum setting. This open source, tech-friendly approach will lend itself to a plethora of ways in designing Museum experiences. Peoples curation An online rating system for an exhibit's visitors will be key, and each exhibit will have an online page for pictures, videos, statements by the artist, further links, comments by visitors, and an endless potential for interactivity. In addition to public curation, the website will have functionality to facilitate both live and digital interactions amongst visitors, artists and others who access the website. A museum of, by and for people Peoples Museum offers exhibit producers access to the public (and vice versa) outside of the formal gallery and museum system. Allowing for greater intimacy, a goal of Peoples Museum is to facilitate social interactions both online and in person. Gameification of the Museum Experience The gameification of the Museum experience--connecting exhibits, people and locations to each other--would incorporate the use of augmented reality apps like Aurasma and other innovations. |
"In a nutshell, Peoples Museum can be described as a mashup between, meetup and a museum" Funding In addition to seeking grants from traditional sources, crowdfunding initiatives and the involvement of local businesses will be sought. There will be a $50 registration fee to fund the project (waiving the fee for those who cannot afford it). Join the museum revolution Peoples Museum is brand spanking new and, as of now, is a volunteer effort with no funding. There are many ways to get involved: from producing exhibits, to website development, to fundraising, to simply spreading the word. You can join our support group, whose members help each other build exhibits. Volunteers with expertise and/or interest can further help with development. This includes artists, historians, collectors, museologists, students, performers, and AR/gamification developers. Internships are also available. While seeking funding for the development of a website, Peoples Museum invites you to create an exhibit. Contact us, we'll be looking forward to hearing from you! |

Deme Spy, Peoples Museum Founder & Director
Deme's focus is on building outside-the-box startups emphasizing positive, transformative change through authentic, participatory experience and entertainment.
He is the Founder and Director of hELLO, an innovative urban renewal effort to develop a beach town, 45 minutes from NYC, into an art, music and cultural events mecca. Other projects include Biker Entourage, SlingshotNJ, and Trance Mansion.
Deme is an attorney, photographer (Shitty Image) and music producer (999beats) who has also been active in human rights and media accuracy advocacy.
You can learn more on Deme's LinkedIn profile